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About Us


Petits Pandas Preschool is a non-cooperative, non-profit preschool with one classroom of 10 students located in École St. Gerard School. Our preschool offers more than just toys and games; we have learning centers, crafts, and take part in physical activity. We go on field trips and invite guest speakers to the class. We read and listen to stories, and we celebrate birthdays. We learn to work, play and communicate with children and adults who are all part of our community.

Petits Pandas Preschool has the added benefit of introducing its students to the French language. Your child will become familiar with basic French words and be exposed to the larger French immersion community at École St. Gerard School, our host school.

Preschool Goals

The purpose of the preschool program is to promote the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and aesthetic growth of children ages 3 and 4. The preschool’s curriculum is planned with the following goals in mind:

  • Introduce French vocabulary. 

  • Help the child recognize himself/herself as a valuable individual in their community through achievement and praise.

  • Encourage socialization by cooperating, sharing, and being sensitive to others within our classroom, community and beyond.

  • Give opportunities for language and speech development by encouraging the child to verbalize in structured activities.

  • Encourage the child to express himself/herself in creative ways in the introduction of various materials and equipment.

  • Develop enjoyment, appreciation, and interest in music, books and the environment.

  • Develop fine and gross motor skills through indoor and outdoor exercise activity and manipulative table toy play.

  • Increase the child’s awareness of the world in which he/she lives through interesting learning centers and field trips.

Upcoming Events:
Registration is Open 2023/2024



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